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87' E28: Driving in the dark! No dashboard lights

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Dave Driscoll
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87' E28: Driving in the dark! No dashboard lights

Post by Dave Driscoll »

I own an 87' e28
I've been driving without dashboard lights for a while now.
I bought a new bulb but am a bit nervous about ripping the dash apart. Anybody know how to go about installing it.

Any info or resources to help fix it would be much obliged


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Post by mooseheadm5 »

Do any of the instrument lights work, like the ones for the heating system?
Mike W.
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Post by Mike W. »

My first thought is the switch, or the dimmer within it. Check there first, but pulling the cluster to swap out bulbs is no big deal, it is emphatically not pulling the dash apart.
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Post by 510_Hitter »

It's really easy to replace those, I just did it in mine with high power LED's.

Right above the cluster are 2 screws, pulls those out and out comes the cluster.

Dash at Night after LED install by 510_Hitter, on Flickr[/img]
Dash at Night after LED install

IP 1 by 510_Hitter, on Flickr[/img]
Here are the bulb holders (from the back) Turn them counter clock wise 180 degrees or a half turn to remove.

IP 3 by 510_Hitter, on Flickr[/img]
Here is the back of the Holder ready for removal. It has been turn 180 degrees or a half turn.

IP 2 by 510_Hitter, on Flickr[/img]
LED bulb replacement. For LED bulbs you have to match + and - together. If you do not the bulb will not turn on. To test place the bulb and holder back into the socket turn clock wise and look for back light or look into the IP to see if the bulb is on. If not, remove the holder and flip it 180 (NOT the BULB) so that the tabs go into the slots, but now the polarity (+/-) is reversed. Test bulb again. If the Bulb still does not function. Remove the holder, remove the LED from the holder and flip the bulb so that the polarity reversed and test again. One of these combo's should result in an bulb that functions, just keep track of what u have tried.

Let me know if that helps.
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Post by TheLazyDog »

510_Hitter wrote:For LED bulbs you have to match + and - together. If you do not the bulb will not turn on. ...
That is because it is not a "bulb", it is a diode.

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Post by shagrath »

Mike W. wrote:My first thought is the switch, or the dimmer within it. Check there first, but pulling the cluster to swap out bulbs is no big deal, it is emphatically not pulling the dash apart.
My thoughts too.

OP trying smacking the dash too. I find it atleast can help point you in the right direction.
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Post by 510_Hitter »

CanisLupusRobotus sorry bud, but your wrong there, it is a "bulb" it is an "LED Bulb" not an "Incandescent Bulb"

Just google search "LED" then search "LED bulb" or "LED light bulb", its still a bulb :)

How ever your right, if this is what you mean that an "Incandescent Bulb" is NOT polarity sensitive.
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Post by passwor3 »

Uhhh, bonjour. If it's on the internet, it must be true and accurate.
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Post by JasonInSeattle »

510_Hitter, unless it is just something about the pictures your LEDs look dimmer than my stock dash lighting. There must be a red filter in front of them since it looks like your LEDs are white right? Have you thought about trying red LEDs with the filter removed?
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Post by 510_Hitter »

No its really bright. I had the stock bulbs in before and its way brighter. The Camera on my phone does it no justice. I left the orange filters in. I actually like the color it gives off.
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Post by TheLazyDog »

510_Hitter wrote:CanisLupusRobotus sorry bud, but your wrong there, it is a "bulb" it is an "LED Bulb" not an "Incandescent Bulb"

Just google search "LED" then search "LED bulb" or "LED light bulb", its still a bulb :)

How ever your right, if this is what you mean that an "Incandescent Bulb" is NOT polarity sensitive.
So called "510_Hitter",

I'm sorry, buddy: a bulb heats a filament to release photos as radiation through incandescence. An LED releases energy in the form of photons as the electrons jump to lower energy levels in the special semiconductor that an LED is made of-- they are different.

What is usually referred to as a bulb is an incandescent bulb, an LED is an LED.
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Post by passwor3 »

My apologies in advance to those who may be reading this thread to help solve a problem. For some inexplicable reason, I cannot let 510 off the hook.
If you wish, follow this link:http://www.memidex.com/light-bulb and read carefully.
Basically, it appears the term light bulb came about by describing the object creating illumination by its shape - latin bulbus for its onion-like shape.
From your picture, I would say that the LED is not shaped like an onion...
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Post by TheLazyDog »

passwor3 wrote:My apologies in advance to those who may be reading this thread to help solve a problem. For some inexplicable reason, I cannot let 510 off the hook.
If you wish, follow this link:http://www.memidex.com/light-bulb and read carefully.
Basically, it appears the term light bulb came about by describing the object creating illumination by its shape - latin bulbus for its onion-like shape.
From your picture, I would say that the LED is not shaped like an onion...
That is a very good point, although an LED can look like an onion.

I maintain that an LED and the term "bulb" should be kept separate.

But... you can make an LED in the shape of an onion or an incandescent light in the shape of a... rhinoceros.
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Post by 510_Hitter »

Ok listen passwor3. I import and sell LED's for a living and develop LED products as a full time job. I go to Asia 3 times a year and work on "LED Bulbs" I've been to almost every automotive show out there and we all call them "LED Bulbs" I sell automotive "LED bulbs" or "LED lamps" cause that's what they are called.

The Diode by it self is an LED, but assembled into a 168 or 7440 or 42mm festoon, they are LED bulbs my friend.

Here's a link for you, since you still are living in the Thomas Jefferson time period there bud.

When consumers go and purchase this type of product. That is called an 'LED bulb". Here's a link to ijdmtoy.com

They sell more LED bulbs than anyone in the country and what do they call it? That's correct, they call it an LED Bulb and so does everyone else.

Now you may not be very similar with Consumer sales and or retail sales or any of that. But as time go's by the meaning of words change. So if you don't have a clue what your talking and you really want to look stupid go ahead and "don't let me off the hook". So thanks for being a total idiot.
Dave Driscoll
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Post by Dave Driscoll »

Thanks forall the input guys.
As I got into it it was not as bad as I made it out. I was hoping it would be easy but it wasn't. Things have gotten worse!!!
I replaced the the two bulbs on the top of the instrumentation box (Without removing any wires connecting to the display) went to start the car and the tachometer, speedometer, trip computer and the stereo now don't work. The 8amp fuse was burnt but not broken. I replaced it and still nothing.

What would be my next step guys?

Yes, the rest of the lights work or did before the bulb replacement

I would call the bulbs (not LED's) I replaced more of an beaker.
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Post by LittleManTate »

LED- Light Emitting DIODE. As per the dash lights going out, if they are all out, then it's not a bulb issue...since the dashboard illumination is taken care of by many bulbs and it's impossible they all burnt out at once....as someone said, it's an issue with the dimmer switch. If memory serves, there are two bulbs that illuminate the center console area, and two bulbs that illuminate the instrument cluster. If it's just the instrument cluster, I suppose it could be possible that both bulbs are burnt...maybe one was already out and you didn't notice and the other just went?
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Post by mooseheadm5 »

You all don't have to be dicks about it. At the techincal level, LEDs individually are called LEDs. When assembled specifically as a lighting device, they are always lamps. When they are used as a drop in replacement for an incandescent, they are often called bulbs because that is what they are replacing. You will never be wrong calling them lamps, though.
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Post by mooseheadm5 »

OK, so the rest of the HVAC illumination worked before the fuse went, that means it probably wasn't caused by the dimmer circuit. Now that you have changed something, it seems like you have a short. Are you sure that you didn't use the wrong wattage bulb? Should be 3W if my memory serves me correctly.
Dave Driscoll
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Post by Dave Driscoll »

Yes, the HVAC worked before and after. The bulbs matched were 3 watt. The only thing I thought might be it was the polarity I toggled the bulbs backand forth stillno love.
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Post by mooseheadm5 »

There isn't any polarity to incandescent lamps, so that can't be it. Did you mess with anything else that could have blown that fuse?
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Post by 510_Hitter »

Dave I notice my fuse connectors were really loose and didn't hold the fuses very well, I took all of them out and compressed the connectors to have a tighter fit. Idk if you have tried that, but it could be just a loose connection there. I know if helped on the one's I had issues with.
Dave Driscoll
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Post by Dave Driscoll »

The fuse never blew, the ceramic was burnt but the metal was not broken.
I did mess with another bulb the brake lining light has been on. (I know I need to replace my rear brakes) so I unplugged that bulb so it didn't bother me. I have since replaced it back.

I compressed the fuses too to make sure I had a good fit. I noticed on the fuse that has an issure the the aluminum was flaking off of the metal where it bends.

Thanks again for the help
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Post by 510_Hitter »

I would try know "good" fuses with "unsure" fuses and see what result u get.
Dave Driscoll
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Post by Dave Driscoll »

No luck shffling around
510_Hitter wrote:I would try know "good" fuses with "unsure" fuses and see what result u get.
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Post by 510_Hitter »

Time to break out the Multimeter and test your contacts bro. I'd order a pizza and have a beer and dig in if you have the time.

If you don't have one, you probably rent one at Autozone or something similar.

Good luck!
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Post by TheLazyDog »

For the record, I was trying to be a friendly dick.
Dave Driscoll
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Post by Dave Driscoll »

Confirmed I have a short somewhere. I drove around and hit a bump them BAM! All of the sudden the tach and stereo began working. Still no speed and tachometer display lights. Battle another day.
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Post by shagrath »

I still say your cluster is loopy.
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Post by JasonInSeattle »

Did you check that the plug to the cluster isn't loose?
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Re: 87' E28: Driving in the dark! No dashboard lights

Post by Asawad84 »

Hello - bumping an old thread because there isn’t much information out there. I replaced the 2 bulbs that light the cluster but still no light.

I reinstalled the lights exactly how they were but still no luck. Is there a specific way that it has to be installed? Also, in reading this thread I see mentions of positive and negative, but does that only pertain to using LED which I did not use.

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