Speaking of paint and siding....last Friday, I commissioned our neighbors painter to start on our house. When we bought the house, we weren't crazy about the exterior. It's an old country colonial with reclaimed brick (I think that's the proper term?) and tan vinyl siding (which must be newer than 1978 because word on the street is that a previous Chinese man [or woman, was it?] which lived here shot a .410 gauge size hole through the back wall of an upstairs bedroom which would have resulted in needing new siding?? lol) with a burnt red sort of colored trim and accents.
The summer we moved in, we immediately had new fiberglass windows installed which started out the "We need to paint the house" talk. And after a few strolls through the neighborhood behind us, we decided on a color scheme of gray body with white trim and accents, along with some black subtlety thrown in there in the form of shutters.
We even practiced on the shed that I built 2 summers ago...
And so here is the fun part.
(Not sure how he survived the ladder, but I would have had to straighten it out, lol!)
And After: (I need to get some in better daylight, these make the front look more blue-ish, but the color is called Cityscape by Sherwin Williams - the back photo shows the color much better)
I also need to paint shutters this weekend to go around the second floor windows...
The flower beds out front are newly redesigned and install as well. That project will be getting finished this weekend. I'm going to load up my FIL's pickup with dirt tonight and then we'll see where we get. I might be going back for more.
Here are some before and afters of that...because PICTARS!
And after:
Ok, ok, I'm done for now. Phew.
Annnddd along the same lines, I'll be trying to find time to get into my garage and finish my organizing frenzy. That place is a disaster right now (I started on the Friday before Memorial Day....and still haven't got back in there)