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New Euro 528i, "Walt"

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1st 5er
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by 1st 5er »

TexFest... :D
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by ldsbeaker »

ImageUntitled by ldsbeaker, on Flickr
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by wkohler »

Ha. I had a hard time figuring out when that was taken. M5 wheels on the 528i and I didn't remember driving the B7 since before those were installed, but then I remembered I did take it to San Diego in May when I saw the date on the photo. :oops: :roll: I even wondered if that was my car. I better buy some more cars to make sure I never drive any of them.
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by ldsbeaker »

Well, it is a SUPER crappy photo. I think I actually cleaned the back of my iPhone with Vaseline just prior to taking that gem.

That was actually Slicktop City, and you aren't at a gas station... *gasp*
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by ldsbeaker »

Welp, almost three years now... and I still have hardly done ANYTHING to the car... Success!

Last night, I decided to waste some time driving to Phoenix for one reason, but had a backup plan to visit with Kohler in case the original reason fell through.
I haven't done much extended driving with the car for quite a while, so it was nice to get her warmed up proper and a nice extended meal of miles.
I even got out the Escort for max fun and Situational Awareness. Got out of Slicktop City and pinned it. This car LOVES 90. 3500RPM, and she just eats the miles up.
So, I screamed through the desert and arrived in Phoenix. My original reason fell through, (on schedule, freaking Craigslist) so I went to see Kohler about a problem I've been having with the car. You see, early last year, or maybe even late the year before, I encountered my OIC broken down on the side of the road in Slicktop City. It was chilly, and he had the kidlets in the bronco with no top... so he needed some help. Turns out, he just ran out of gas. So we loaded all of his kidlets and his gascan up and drove to the station. The gas can is taller than the trunk is deep, so I bungee'd the can to the rear panel and left the lid open. We got gas and he was on his way. I had not planned on this little detour, so I needed to get home. I left the bungee cord hooked on one end and closed the lid.
It. Would. Not. Open.
I tried almost EVERYTHING. The little actuator arm just would not clear the receptacle on the lid to open it. Remember, this car is manual locks, so you can't even cycle the lock properly. Anyway, this went on for a few months. Finally, I humbled myself and asked Kohler about it, and he gave some advice. I took it; no dice. I absolutely DID NOT want to drill the back panel. Finally, a year had come and gone. I do drive the car when the blue car is being worked on, so it's gotten some miles. Finally, the jig was up. I got pulled for a Random Vehicle Inspection while trying to enter the base. This requires you to open every compartment. They look around and sometimes sick the dogs on your car. They were not pleased that I could not open the trunk. So it was time to put Kohler to the test and see if we couldn't put our heads together and solve this predicament.
So, I arrived, we chit chatted for a bit, then I checked in with my wife. Her response: "Fix the trunk AND THEN go to waffle house." :oops: :rofl:
We got going on the trunk. We looked at his 528i for a few minutes and figured the only way to get in is the plate lights. I have original euro tails and they are actually still nice, so we weren't going to bust one of those out... we messed with a metal hanger for a bit, then we decided that it was JUST BARELY not dis-engaging, so maybe we could pull both of the plate lights and use the "give" in the panel to clear the rest of the way. I didn't even have to lean back on it that hard, he pushed the button and it popped right open! Yess!!! There was the bungee cord, hooked right where the bottom of the actuator arm is... just preventing it from going through full travel. We also adjusted the catch on the lid just to be sure. There wasn't much back there, just some contraband that I promptly discarded. :laugh:
Then we went to see the M5 and got some waffles. Yum.
We concluded our visit, and then I screamed all the way home. Smoooooth action. She just gulped the cool, dry, desert air.
Only had one minor encounter with the Escort. It's 35 all the way through Gila Bend, and I may have been exceeding that a little. I got lit up HARD, but the cop already had someone in his sights, so I got the pass. Wut.

I love this car. She's gotten some miles and not as many washes as she deserves, but it works. The kids REALLY enjoy riding in an e28 every day. I wonder if they'll be on the board in 10 years or so talking about how they rode in one since practically birth...

The 525i will be back on the road soon, so this one will go back in the garage and finally get some attention. It's about time for a decent refresh and a thorough scouring.
Rest assured, she's staying 95% stock. :D :cool:

edit: Oh yeah. I'm the a-hole, apparently. Let's back that up. I'm one of the only people in Slicktop City who owns old BMWs and DDs them. Some others pop up in the wintertime when the snowbirds arrive, but otherwise, it's me. Good thing I have decent inventory. Anyway, I'll be tooling along, doing my thing, and all I see is beige-mobiles, Pious'es, bro-trucks, and RVs. It all kind of fades into a big fat BLAH when I'm driving around. But my car sticks out. EVERYONE knows my cars, and my friends frequently wave at me. Do I wave back? Naw dawg. NAW. I can't possibly recognize my neighbor's silver Camry, or my buddy's Odyssey, etc. in passing traffic... No way, not never!
I never. even. see them. So I guess I'm an a-hole. :evil:

But that's not exactly news, is it? :laugh: :laugh:
Last edited by ldsbeaker on Jan 14, 2016 12:31 PM, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by tig »

I almost got locked out of my trunk when putting Vlad back together. For the first time in my life, I actually took my time, thought ahead, and removed the right tail light before proceeding with the adjustment.
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by wkohler »

Well the issue here was twofold. The latch needed to be adjusted but the bungee cord hook was preventing the button from being pushed in all the way. With the trunk locked, the button could be depressed completely. Through out this, a couple times by feel you could tell it was nearly releasing. With the flexibility of the tail panel, a little was all we needed. I also moved the latch back slightly as it didn't open smoothly.

Glad that is sorted now.
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by ldsbeaker »

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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by tig »

ldsbeaker wrote:https://youtu.be/xsAY5dIYBmY

Love this car!
I remember....
Adam W in MN
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by Adam W in MN »

Any news on “The One”? Damn I love this car, the spec, color, story, etc.
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Re: New Euro 528i, "The One"

Post by ldsbeaker »

Adam W in MN wrote:Any news on “The One”? Damn I love this car, the spec, color, story, etc.
As a matter of fact, yes!
Will add some links and stories shortly!
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Re: New Euro 528i, "Walt"

Post by bunty »

Neat, Miss the 728i poverty pack i owned.

Btw do you still have the 89 635.
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