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FUBAR 528e, Gauging Condition of the M90

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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" foglightdelete.exe installed 2/27

Post by LeiseyJr »

Image881FBB38-9078-4E2D-B0BB-77F26301A66C by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

ImageIMG_6747 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

ImageIMG_6739 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
(admire the spicy frame damage)

Studied for 3 days for my calc 2 test to get a 52. That's a super cool positive feedback loop. My friend 3D printed some foglight delete things, supposed to match the grill. Give it some flare, since the factory ones are just a flat plate.

ImageIMG_6918 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_6929 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" foglightdelete.exe installed 2/27

Post by LeiseyJr »

I've had this thing for 6 years.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" foglightdelete.exe installed 2/27

Post by Beemernut »

It's really cool to see a build that I can "resonate" with. I dearly love Shark, wouldn't part with him for anything...but yeah he looks really "honest." I've had him for I think over 3 years, and he's my daily, and yeah there's one or two inconspicuous zip ties holding him together. I like a car that grows with you, maybe even matures. Like a tough old pair of boots. Hope Fubar has big plans in the future.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" foglightdelete.exe installed 2/27

Post by TYMHM »

Went through the entire thread, and enjoyed it. It's great to see how far the car has come over the years. I definitely enjoy these multi year threads. Keep up the good work!
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" Interior Project Begins 3/6/2020

Post by LeiseyJr »

The next project I have created is: ruining my interior

I really wanted to clean up my interior. When I got my car it was a fairly clean interior. Please refer to first thread page. However after being a clown and a teenager. It has degraded a bit, due to yours truly.
I like the color, but Tan looks so horrid when dirty. It's a very fine line with pearl beige that's a nice interior and just filth. I would need to source a lot of clean Pearl Beige pieces or one that wasnt touched by a Grease Clown. So why not just change the color?

I decided on the color Mocca. Why? Well with beige, your interior color options are limited. Only things that really work are Tan, Brown and Black. I see Black interiors all the time, it's not that they look bad. Also in Houston summers they are brutal. Finding a cloth one would also be very difficult. No to mention I have to be my inner hipster. To be a hipster you have to pick something period correct that is now yucky, hence the color choice brown. Nutria, is a brown color while being the most common. It is somewhat swampy color.
Mocca a much earlier color, as shown on RealOEM to have stopped in 9/82 is what I have chosen. (I saw it first here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv7iUI5Pjy8 ) Meaning its euro spec for maximum street cred. It has more of a poo poo brown esque color that I fancy more. Now it's an early and color, where the hell do you find the parts? That is a fantastic question. I am working on that...

On my limited income throughout the semester, I decided financially it made sense to buy Mocca glovebox, door cards, and 2 front door handles. My girlfriend who is a financial adviser disagreed, but what does she know?
ImageIMG_7159 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_7158 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

The next purchase will be:
ImageIMG_7122 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

The seller cannot send the seats understandably from Europe. He has been kind enough to remove the upholstery and ship that. So then I will recover a set of seats here with this fabric, as well as replace the the stupid coconut husk. My girlfriend will finally have a comfort seat again, so I can stop hearing about that.

Parts I still need to source:
Underdash tray (this must be in Mocca or dyed somehow)
center console (this could be in black)
ebrake thing (this could be in black)
Speaker Covers

in either mocca or some rough ones (sherman) to attempt to paint.

My carpet has been ruined eons before me so that will be dyed. I guess that means black speaker covers too.

Why install a clean interior I will probably ruin? :dunno:

Stay tuned....

Bronzit Beige and Poo poo brown interior 528e, are what enthusiast dream about.
Last edited by LeiseyJr on Mar 06, 2020 9:32 AM, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s"

Post by LeiseyJr »

Beemernut wrote:It's really cool to see a build that I can "resonate" with. I dearly love Shark, wouldn't part with him for anything...but yeah he looks really "honest." I've had him for I think over 3 years, and he's my daily, and yeah there's one or two inconspicuous zip ties holding him together. I like a car that grows with you, maybe even matures. Like a tough old pair of boots. Hope Fubar has big plans in the future.
Glad you can relate to it, I have trouble myself with the high caliber builds that usually frequent these water.
TYMHM wrote:Went through the entire thread, and enjoyed it. It's great to see how far the car has come over the years. I definitely enjoy these multi year threads. Keep up the good work!
Don't worry there is more work to come. I unfortunately cannot promise it being "good".
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" full euro, and beige

Post by LeiseyJr »

1st 5er wrote:Dat paint doe!!! Looks super. :cool:
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" Interior Project Begins 3/6/2020

Post by LeiseyJr »

The internal rocker is much worse then I thought. Stay tuned...
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" Rust Repair 4/6

Post by LeiseyJr »

It's been a month a lot of things have happened. I was waiting for interior to be done to get updated, however Coronavirus is fucking me. Hopefully that upholstery gets here in due time.

So my LF jack point has been shot for a couple years. I thought it was just dented, so my plan was when carpet was removed to hammer that back down. However removing the carpet revealed inner rocker was non existent:

Imageaprilupdate by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

So we cut out all the old shit and notice how bent jack point is. Floor was crunched up about 2 inches I think.
Imageaprilupdate2 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Imageaprilupdate1 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Luckily, I knew this was gonna happen one day and saved a mostly rust free rocker and pan from Sherman. for the inner rocker, we flanged over the old. Replacing the hole inner rocker is not an option for a multitude of reasons. Goal here is to actually have a jack point, and a rocker thats sound. Cosmetics are secondary.
Imageaprilupdate3 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Imageaprilupdate4 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Jack point was reinforced
Imageaprilupdate5 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Imageaprilupdate6 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

It's just that easy.

All credit goes to my friend Ryo and my father, who have enough time and patience to do the repair correctly or should I say structurally sound. The issue is, it's been rotted for so long and I've been jacking it up for so long nothing is straight except for new pieces we welded in. Anyway its all in. The other holes were welded over with patch metal.

While we were doing this I remembered my sunroof was rusted, I was just gonna glop some paint on it and call it a day. I then found it wasnt even attached at one corner....

Arizona had a rust free one, I had to paint it to match. It also now has a genuine BMW seal on it as well.
ImageDCFCDF32-F5B6-4F1A-8126-0F55E45AEAA5 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Image3521DCE8-F002-4A0D-88E2-B39B60BF4E26 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_8965 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_8966 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

ImageIMG_8975 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

So that is all fixed, I'm waiting on the upholstery. I hope it gets here, because if it doesn't I'm screwed. Its last update was leaving Russia on 3/26.

ImageIMG_7122 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

I also swapped back to M1.0 and I love the results. Not only is the harness actually routed and everything fits correctly. It also runs better. The alpina B10 tune I had on M1.3 caused similar problems as my 061 B10 tune, stumble for very light tip in, reduced throttle response in general. Heel toes needed a very aggressive over exaggerated blip. Not to mention heavy oil burning on decel after high rpm, which is now magically gone. M1.3 has more potential obviously but I have spent 2 months on my 1.0 tune and its all brand new components. No tot mention the 10.0 AFR cold starts with the M1.3. It's all fixable, but I spent a lot of time fixing m1.0 already.

I'm very proud of my WAR tune and how this engine is running. It has very good throttle response for a barn door, and driveablity is great. Idle is not as mint but I'll tough it out. Still idles smoother then my girlfriends chevy sonic,

So engine is finally sorted and for now my chassis is sorted structurally speaking.

I need to redo trunk seal, get door window guide seals and a new windshield seal (as well as windshield).

Then chassis should be pretty mint.

I have most of the interior where I want it, will do a final update for that when/if it gets finished.
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Post by LeiseyJr »

Got the rear seat all in today.

After a lot of headache with post office, mocca package is in ready to be taken home.

ImageIMG_9832 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Carma_Cardan can pack.
ImageIMG_9835 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

ImageIMG_9834 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

So you can't ship full rear and front seats from Europe. Well you can for just a lot of money. A alternative however is to ship the upholstery and recover some cores. So I recovered my original pearl beige leather bottom, and a very early 533i pearl beige leather without the seat-belt holder things. My original top seat back had those it's in storage now.

This is after I reupholstered the back seat bottom. Following this I proceeded to trip over it in flip flops and cut the shit out of my toe (cover your eyes).
ImageIMG_9839 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Image60885514352__DE4B2BB2-F1D6-49C5-B8AD-040D2B149A25 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Then we moved onto the rear seat top
ImageD1D9431E-ACB1-4903-B3E0-553F3299C732 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
[url=https://flic.kr/p/2iRt6hZ]Image55B51317-63BC-494B-90B0-B117488456AC by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageBA137B8D-62DA-4282-AFCC-6063FE555E31 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

It's just that easy!
Image057893B9-800F-43AA-94E3-AAB4FB76E5B1 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Only complaint I have is right side coconut husk is very worn, but whatever. I don't sit in the back Anyway. Left side is mint, I will just recommend to a passenger to sit on the left side on long trips or back a pillow for their back.

ImageIMG_9862 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Picture is inversed, but girlfriends dog went into a deep slumber. He tramped around on it as well. So it has passed QC test.
ImageE28CB7AA-F148-45C8-A9FE-D13DC12040E4 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

I still need to get passenger seat core, as well as the base. Then I can just recover. OR I might dye my current passenger seat. TBD.

Anyway super happy with how its coming out so far. Fulfills my euro cloth interior dreams not to mention I think it's a good color with bronzit. I did all this because one video lol

I guess theme of car is ratty eastern Europe 525e with euro m30 swap and dogleg.
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Post by WalterH »

I love everything about this thread. Especially the foot pics. Those can fetch decent money. :cool:
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Post by LeiseyJr »

WalterH wrote:I love everything about this thread. Especially the foot pics. Those can fetch decent money. :cool:
Gotta fund the build somehow
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Post by LeiseyJr »

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Post by tschultz »

Now you just need some period correct - Mahle wheels with a nice patina to finish off the look!
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 MOCCA DONE

Post by LeiseyJr »

So we started with this truly mint pearl beige that has been sitting at Shermans outside, and flooded a couple of times. Originally from a euro 525e, eurospec af bro

ImageIMG_0065 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

ImageIMG_0070 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Then sprayed some lysol on it and it was restored
ImageIMG_0072 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

I didn't have any manual rails, so went to Shermans went to the outdoor seat pile.
ImageIMG_0148 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

A driver side power rail will work for now. After some very gentle taps the motors and relays came back to life.
The reverse function needs some gentle tapping on the relay boxes to work sometimes. Considering its been sitting outdoors and flooded, amazed everything else works fairly reliably.

ImageIMG_0149 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0160 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0153 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

What a debacle to get this brown interior. Worth it though
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by jayjaya29 »

Interior looks great. Nice work.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by LeiseyJr »

jayjaya29 wrote:Interior looks great. Nice work.
It doesnt look as good as you sweet pea
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by LeiseyJr »

The seats are 38 years old. That is hard to process.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by 1st 5er »

Love me some cloth, and some brown.

Well done Sam-U-el.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by funkycharms »

I like it, what color is your carpet?
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by LeiseyJr »

funkycharms wrote:I like it, what color is your carpet?
https://www.amazon.com/Dupli-Color-EHVP ... B00099BJS4
Took awhile to pick this color, I wanted something to lighter so it wasn't all dark brown. However I didn't want the original pearl beige. This color when looked at with your eye looks dark, however if you shine a flashlight on it it looks pearl beige.

Original Mocca color is a bit darker:
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/22 Mocca Complete

Post by LeiseyJr »

1st 5er wrote:Love me some cloth, and some brown.

Well done Sam-U-el.
Couldnt be possible without the Bimmer Garten seat pile
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/26 corona cruise

Post by LeiseyJr »

Imageimage0 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Imageimage1 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

More money down the drain
Imageimage2 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Imageimage3 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/26 Corona Cruise Pics with the boys

Post by dsw99a »

Yea, baby! The e28 holding it own with the gang, dare i say, LEADER!?


Dig ur style, aint got to be fly, just got to be funky! :laugh:
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 4/26 Corona Cruise Pics with the boys

Post by LeiseyJr »

I installed a B34 starter for the sound.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 6/25 Porsche Rear Koni, OBC Fixed

Post by LeiseyJr »

Car has Koni 914 Rear Shock (thanks dad for the machining skills). Finally got the car running cold and A/C working fabulously. It has the junkyard dogleg in it now as well, keep the miles off the rebuilt one.
ImageIMG_1859 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

IMG_1860 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

The Adapter to make it all work:
Imagec6f8b621-a5bf-4fda-81f6-49bd94bddf67 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Also finally got OBC backlight working. I spent like an hour desoldering bulbs from dead backlights to make a good set. One burnt out classically on installation. Got mad and clobbed solder so now we have a custom single bulb backlight.
ImageIMG_1849 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Window motor died at a friends house. Hit it until worked
ImageIMG_3491 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Back to my old steering wheel
ImageIMG_2587 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

It was doing great, has decided it wanted to try to overheat out of nowhere.
ImageIMG_1851 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageIMG_3817 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr

Projects in progress to be continued when overheatin ordeal is addressed:
Finish the Koni 8610-1437 bullshit in the front
Oil Cooler (just for the hell of it)
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 6/25 Porsche Rear Koni, OBC Fixed

Post by LeiseyJr »

Headgasket has left the chat.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 6/25 Porsche Rear Koni, OBC Fixed

Post by 1st 5er »

That's a bummer.
Hoping the head's not fubar'd.
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Re: FUBAR 535e"s" 6/25 Porsche Rear Koni, OBC Fixed

Post by LeiseyJr »

The headgasket has been replaced and it now has a US radiator. Car is staying cool. However still gets a bit warm with a/c on and its 100F out, the fuses are also melting. I think I might have reached the point where this winter I will have to restore the A/C system.

Also found a mint AFM at the yard. The airbox is in horrid shape. You may ask, “why not swap mint afm to my refinished airbox?” Well that would make too much sense plus it fits the paint job. Really happy to finally have found a good working AFM. The car it came out of had been sitting since 2008 hoping it has a lot more life in it.

Anyway. Here it is.

ImageP1010107 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageP1010110 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageP1010113 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageP1010114 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageP1010118 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
ImageP1010117 by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
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Re: FUBAR daily M30 528e 7/21 Headgasket fixed

Post by LeiseyJr »

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