posted this in the tech section with no joy, probably best suited here...
Hope you are all well.
Have a few questions regarding the standard suspension setup on my E28 M5, european.
I have what I think is standard BMW front suspension and Bilsteins on the back (yellow), not sure about the springs. Have taken some photos
Could someone tell me what these springs and shocks are and are they the standard ones?
Also my front suspension is crashing over bumps when going above 50mph. I am thinking that the spring are no good and wonder what the experience with this problem is. All the bushes have been changed recently.
Also want to lower the front suspension about 20mm as for the moment I am four fingers above the tires. any sujestions for replacement after market shocks and springs? Have seen a guy in Canada on youtube use the autofortune suspensions? any thoughts or experience with this set up. ... uH&index=3
thanks in advance