Bonsaibacker wrote: Mar 20, 2021 6:28 AM
Well... did you make the challenge???
It's a fair question.
It's not that the spirit wasn't willing - it's that the spirit wasn't willing to do it
half assed 
Call it
Scope Creep or
While you're in there** syndrome.
If you're like me,
and I know I am, you heard "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well" ad nauseam while growing up. Turns out Big D likes to take that saying... and modify it a step further: If it's worth doing,
it's worth OVERDOING!

Originally, the 3 week challenge was born out of Big D's desire to have a E28 to drive this summer while he is working on his M535 build. So the inspiration for the 3 Week Project was to toss the 2.8l into Alice (The White Car) all jiffy-like, and then - once The Blue Car (M535) was done, revisit Alice and pull the 2.8l and drop in a
go fast B35 and get all jiggy with it. But on second thought, that sure seemed like the long way around! Why go to all of that extra work?!
This called for a discussion over some killer
carne asada tacos. One issue of concern was the nice coil over suspension and neoprene bushings. Alice wasn't shy about showing off her wears to any
Tommy TuTone who would sneak a peek up her fender wells or cop a look under her hood. There was no question that dressing up Alice in neoprene and coil overs firmed her up in all the right places. But if she was allowed to leave the house dressed like that - would she behave - or would she shed her sophisticated refinement and deliver a ride that was street smart and a lil rough for 528e pleasure driving? Some who gathered with tacos in hand weighed in with "
Hell yes she will, so build the B thirty-five motor NOW..
and... pleaase pass the roasted red pepper sauce". While the Roasted Roasted Red Pepper sauce goes hand in hand with carne asada, it also doubles as an elixir - promoting crystal clear thinking (along with a sweaty brow). "Ahhh .... But building the B Thirty-Five motor would take a lot
more time. Like Bigly so"! Which of course was the very thing we were looking to reduce!
So a compromise was reached. The 2.8l will be refreshed with new exterior parts all around and a new, tight and firm fitting timing belt (vs putting the engine back in more or less as it sat, as originally planned). And if Alice proves to be a little rough around the edges once she's out and about, we'll deal with that then.
So with that decided - the 3 week plan was scrapped! Now we have parts to remove, clean, acquire, replace and paint!
Here's where are . . .
Big D - The man with the plan(s)
And clean
More Clean
Dynamat order is in!
The E34 & E46 ///M Brothers
One of Mikes ground up restorations. . .
We lost last weekend to a failed M535 acquisition, but we're back at it!
** "The
While you're in there" syndrome - That's the damn notion that led to THIS
This will be the last update for this thread - I'm going to use a single thread for all 3 projects - Oskar, The White Car (Alice) and The Blue Car. This seems to make more sense and may prove to be more helpful to highlight differences each of the cars present for the same or similar issues.