mdeweirdt wrote:The air conditioning condenser has a hole in it and no one stocks the part. Also junk yard hunting with no results. Any suggestions?
Is it a factory a/c car, or does it have the Diavia aftermarket air conditioning? Euro cars often didn't have the factory air conditioning so it was added later.
mdeweirdt wrote:I want to add the correct rear spoiler. These are hard to find. What is the model #?
It's the same spoiler used on the M5 and 535is. You can see the part numbers for the components here: ... Id=41_0782 I haven't checked but I doubt you can buy them new anymore. They show up in the classified ads here from time to time, here's one:
mdeweirdt wrote:I have a rear M badge purchased through Bav Auto, but it looks like these cars might have had an oversized M back then? The pic in the previous post of the silver car (nice example!) seemed to suggest a little larger ///M, that I'm used to. Just perspective?
The ///M wasn't oversized, it was the same thing used on an M5 just without the 5. There's a thread somewhere here on the board that shows the placement of the ///M on the trunk lid if you need the dimensions - you can probably find it with the search function.
mdeweirdt wrote:Car was pin striped. Keep it or make it look just like the Norev model?
Personal preference.

When I had my M535i restored I left it off.