m20b20 L-jet starting issues

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m20b20 L-jet starting issues

Post by PinkyToe »

Hello all, I have been lurking the forum for some time in the process of fixing my 520i L-Jet and have finally come upon an issue I cant find the answer to.
Basically when I turn the key to start the car everying happens as normal, idiot lights come on, fuel pump primes and car starts as normal. The issue I face is that when the key returns to the run position the car stalls, lights stay on and all systems still have power but the car ceases to run. I had recently sone some work in the fuse-box reparing a loose connection and though I had maybe bumped something else loose but I cant find any system that isnt getting power. Checked injectors, fuel pump, main-power/fp relay, coil and distributor. I dont beleive there is a break in any of the circiuts, which is backed up by the fact that when I hold the key just out of the starter position I can get the car to idle/rev. Can't find a reason that the ignition switch is bad as all positions of the switch send 12v when selected.
This led me to believe that maybe the one of the sensors that the ecu references when in the idle loop is bad. I thought that may cause the ecu to fall on its face when car is in run position but cant find any evidence to support that. Bentley manual unfortunatly does not cover the Australian delivered m20b20 models but I do have the haynes manual covering this specific model just forget it when going home to fix the car :facepalm: . I pulled the sensor connected to the side of the distributor which I beleive is the reference sensor (correct if wrong) but car failed to fire when starting telling me that its fine. Next step is to test the ecu, have purchased a second hand ecu just waiting on it to arrive to see if that fixes the problem.

(I did notice there was an extremely similar thread covering almost exactly the same issue but the answer was never posted :x )
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Re: m20b20 L-jet starting issues

Post by jdb »

Well this is a tough one as that wiring for the Ljet system has a few different configurations.
I do not have the exact diagram to look at, but something close.

So, just take a look to see if you have a ballast resistor located between positive term. Of the coil (+ or 15) and the term. 15 of your ignition control unit. It would make sense it has failed as there is a small term. 15a, that comes off the starter solenoid that powers the coil while cranking.
You could check for power at the coil term. 15 with a test light. It should be powered with key on at all times, not just while cranking the engine.

Hope that makes sense, please let us know what you find,

Mike W.
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Re: m20b20 L-jet starting issues

Post by Mike W. »

Excellent suggestion by jdb, I've very familiar with L jet and that didn't even cross my mind.

I would look at a simpler,at least for first step, troubleshooting. Bridge positive and ignition at the switch, or where ever. Temp of course. but set it up so you have power even if the ignition switch is off. Then start it. If the switch is the problem, it should keep running. If something else, like a bad resistor pack, then it would not stay running. Sure sounds like the switch from here though.
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Re: m20b20 L-jet starting issues

Post by PinkyToe »

Thankyou guys for the suggestions, I will try that next time I’m with the car.
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