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Can't Backspace?

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Can't Backspace?

Post by BMWgiant »

You cannot make another search so soon after your last; please try again in a short while.
I mentioned this in a previous post and was explained why it showed up but excused it because I only saw it once... This morning I have seen this message everytime I have backspaced... Why? This is one of the most annoying features that I've experienced on other forums.. How can I make it stop? I am not searching.. I am backspacing as I always have on here to check the search that I previously made.. I wouldn't be saying anything if it weren't for the fact that I have never seen this site do it before. If it is only my computer, please let me know what I can do to fix it.. Thanks
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Post by Justin_FL »

Might also be worth checking your browser cache settings, especially if you are seeing this on other forums. I have no problems going back on IE6 & Firefox on Windows plus Safari & Firefox on my Mac. No problems on multiple computers.

The web browser is only going to reload the search if it is not being cached.

When using the "View posts since last visit" you are most definitely using the search function, as it uses the search function to query the server to display every topic with a new post since an "X" time.
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Post by BMWgiant »

Justin_FL wrote:Might also be worth checking your browser cache settings, especially if you are seeing this on other forums. I have no problems going back on IE6 & Firefox on Windows plus Safari & Firefox on my Mac. No problems on multiple computers.

The web browser is only going to reload the search if it is not being cached.

When using the "View posts since last visit" you are most definitely using the search function, as it uses the search function to query the server to display every topic with a new post since an "X" time.
I am using safari on a mac.. And I am doing the same functions that I have always done on this site with the same computer.. I am not even doing it very fast... I will read an entire thread, even post something of my own.. Than use my "delete" key.. Better known as a "Backspace" to PC users.. To basically do the same function as the Back button in the browser.. I can go back through many pages that I opened to make a post but once I get back to the "Most recent posts" that I searched for a while earlier, it tells me that message.. Than I have to go back to the home page again and do the search again.. It is just an annoyance since I have grown so use to browsing this site in that way.. Why is it that it would change so suddenly on me this morning? I am really not searching so soon after every post.. It's a few minutes between each post..

Thanks for the fast response
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Post by Jeremy »

First, it works properly for me as well.

Second, the software that runs this site was recently updated, so it may have something to do with that.

Other than it being some sort of issue between your version of Safari (do you have the latest?) and the latest version of phpBB, I dunno. :dunno:

If it's happening on multiple forum sites for you, I'm guessing they're all using the same version of phpBB.

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Post by BMWgiant »

Jeremy wrote:First, it works properly for me as well.

Second, the software that runs this site was recently updated, so it may have something to do with that.

Other than it being some sort of issue between your version of Safari (do you have the latest?) and the latest version of phpBB, I dunno. :dunno:

If it's happening on multiple forum sites for you, I'm guessing they're all using the same version of phpBB.

It previously happened on other forum sites for me.. That is the only reason I knew of that feature.. I basically quit using all other forum sites that are set up with the same structure and only use this one.. Not for that reason though, just because this is the most addictive site.. But I have not used the other sites in a few months so I wouldn't know if that problem still persists.. I just knew it as a common annoyance on others.. I am about to be signing off for a few hours, hopefully it will work properly for me when I get back to my other server.. Thanks
some guy
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Post by some guy »

I'm running Safari on a Mac as well. When I come into the sight I search for posts since last visit. It gives the results, but when I go into one of the posts and back out it shows a different set of new posts (like the ones that were new hours ago). I just started opening the links in a new tab and figured it will be temporary. It's only been happening this morning.
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Post by BMWgiant »

I'm still experiencing it on the my usual server... This is odd since last night I was on this site till about 3am and at 9am when I awoke, the annoyance had to begin.. I find it odd that I am the only one experiencing this..

I guess I'll just have to get use to researching recently posted, no matter how annoying it is :cry:
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Post by Jeremy »

Or you can use tabs . . .
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Post by BMWgiant »

Jeremy wrote:Or you can use tabs . . .
I refuse to look stoopid.. So I will not say that I don't really know what or how to use tabs....... I'm not saying it!!!

Damn: this must have just made me look stoopid.. :rofl: :rofl:
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Post by BMWgiant »

Okay... well this thread can be deleted now since it's working just fine now!! If you guys did something to fix it than thanks a bunch!! Otherwise, still thanks for the suggestions!!
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