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WTB: Tach for later cluster...

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WTB: Tach for later cluster...

Post by elwessoE28 »

I got a cluster cheap sans tach, so if someone has just a tach from a later cluster, let me know!

I think I also need a blower motor.
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Post by alpinacsi »

I have several clusters and several more loose tachs but I am not sure about the difference early to late. Let me know what to look for and I will let you know.
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Post by elwessoE28 »

The later tachs look like they have a lot less crap inside them... Also, the later tachs dont have the small hash marks between the 500RPM intervals...

The early tachs have a circuit board and some other stuff hooked onto them, the later tachs look very "slim" and not much to them.

BTW the blower I need is a behr.
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Post by alpinacsi »

I have several euro clusters here at work and a M6 tach. The Euro seem to be the early style but I have more in storage. I will check later today or tonight. I know I have a few with the later style SI board but I need to see if that is what you need and I need to check the RPM scale.

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Post by elwessoE28 »

bump for the tach and blower.
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Post by rlomba8204 »


A used blower motor is likely to head south shortly after you buy it, as this is a common failure in these cars. Unless you want to swap it out again in 6 months, call Steve Haygood and see what he wants for a new one. This is probably why you haven't heard from people on this one -- when you remove a blower motor from a still functioning car, the proper place for it is the garbage pail. As far as used ones go, they are likely to be on their last leg, unless you are lucky enough to find a guy who totalled his car just after replacing the blower motor.

Also, I think it was you who posted about circuit boards and instrument clusters a while back. Do you have a working instrument cluster and SI board, or are you still trying to put one together? If you are, I didn't think of it at the time, but you should check the classifieds in the back of Roundel magazine. There are usually a few ads for clusters and SI boards. If you don't go that route, then once again I would recommend programma as if you go other routes you are likely to continue to have problems.

Good luck.
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Post by elwessoE28 »

I got a cluster from turbo dan.... It was only the motherboard (it was a late style cluster, no more crappy SI boards!!)... however, my early tach wont swap in.

The cluster works fine...
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Post by rlomba8204 »

So you need a tach for a late model cluster?

I will peruse the Roundel classifieds -- just got it tonight in the mail, and forward you the contact info if I see any leads.
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Post by elwessoE28 »

Yeah thats right.. Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it.
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