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What did you do to your E28 today?

General conversations about BMW E28s and the people who own them.
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Post by a »

Follow up, I did a pre- reinspection light check . 2 side marker lights were bad, so I replaced them. All other lights appear OK . BB Shiftless is gonna need SF bushings by spring.
'Twas a pint low in ATF, making it shift funny when cold. Aired up tires , but the swoopy rear end just gots to be SF bushings.
Paul in N FL
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Post by Paul in N FL »

Looked at it in the driveway waiting to be towed to the shop in a day or two for a valve job, new water pump, and thrust and control arms, alongg with tie rod ends... :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by shagrath »

Went on a local BMW outing and meet today and discovered that my water pump gasket is toast.

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Post by Bimmerguy2002 »

I adjusted my poor b35s valves to .010" and dumped a bunch of marvel mystery oil into the crankcase for no apparent reason.
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Post by vinceg101 »

Getting ready for the SoCal Vintage BMW Show in 2 weeks so I was busy both Saturday and Sunday:

1. Finished installing the new Fuel Injectors. Had only one left because one of the new ones had a bad O-ring (which is kind of ironic considering that was why I was replacing them in the first place). But I upgraded to the newer style with the 4 nozzles.
Here's a shot of the old set; all 6 looked this way. Kind of mucked up, huh? (Off to Cruzin' they go; anybody need a set of re-manufactured Injectors?)

2. Ignition and Vacuum Lines: New set of Ignition Wires from BMP and new Vacuum hoses (I like the blue accent). Also a general engine detailing and re-paint of the air box. There's still a bit of dirt in there, but a real wash detail comes next week.
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Post by fxe28 »

Spent about 8 hrs repairing the rusted out rear valance. Still not finished.
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Post by RVigre »

Installed new steering wheel. Spent about 2 hours washing and detailing. Then parked it in the shade for the rest of the day as its's still way hot here in Florida........I really ought to clean out my garage.....
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Post by bwenham »

drove my 528e to class and pondered installing the flip out screen dvd deck sitting in my closet. it would be nice to at least have a cd player...sigh.
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Post by duggi »

Today, I put in a rear shelf with the built-in sunshade, replaced the oil pressure sender and put in a new fuse box lid =)
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Post by EZE84WIP »

Finish a little bit of wet sanding so I can lay down a coat of clear on a few sections of the car & sand down the hood and apply another coat of paint.

Thinking about starting work on the rear end body work...ugh
Brad D.
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Post by Brad D. »

Drove it to work.
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Post by alijonny »

looked at it. shed a tear. hopped in my 745i and drove it.
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Post by slammin_e28 »

alijonny wrote:looked at it. shed a tear. hopped in my 745i and drove it.
Same here, but I hopped in the 330i and drove it. One day, I tell myself, one day I'll drive the e28 again.... :cry:
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Post by davintosh »

Brushed the snow off it this morning :evil: :evil: and drove it to work. Went home for lunch & answered the door for the UPS guy who had a package from Autohaus AZ containing a shiny new front wheel bearing for the 735 :banana: and some replacement intake boots/hoses for both cars.

Had the intake boot for the 735 sitting next to the same for the 528 and was amazed at the size difference! :shock:

Then I went out to the store where I'd earlier seen a set of large-size metric sockets for $55, and they were sold out. So tonight I get to do the drivearound again to see if I can buy or borrow a 46mm socket and breaker bar to get that wheel bearing nut off the seven. :roll: I have half a mind to just stop by the repair shop & ask them how much they'd charge to change it for me.
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Post by wkohler »

Drove it to the yard. Put a G265 in the trunk with shifter-console, bellhousing, inspection cover and the driveshaft. Drove it home. Parked it on the street.
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Post by Das_Prachtstrasse »

Built a roofrack for it. Put my Alpinas on it and did burnouts to use up the old tyres that are on them. Drove it to the kebab van, drove it home and put it in the garage.
Brad D.
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Post by Brad D. »

wkohler wrote:Drove it to the yard. Put a G265 in the trunk with shifter-console, bellhousing, inspection cover and the driveshaft. Drove it home. Parked it on the street.
Nice score.
1st 5er
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Post by 1st 5er »

Put about 65 miles on it driving it for work. This is the 528eA.
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Post by Xenocide »

GOT MY MEGASQUIRT PROBLEMS FIGURED OUT!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Now I gotta put it in and see if it works.
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Post by davintosh »

I think I finally figured out my screwy idle problem on the 528... Last night I replaced the cracked intake boot and the hoses from the intake to the idle control valve and to the valve cover, but it was still revving up & down between 1500 and 800. Gave the ICV one more good cleaning, shot some WD-40 in it and left it sit overnight, and it was much better this morning. Still not perfect though, so I may need to replace the ICV, but I'm closing in on it!
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Post by Bimmerguy2002 »

I turned my car around to face downwards in the driveway because its raining.
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Post by tsmall07 »

Bimmerguy2002 wrote:I turned my car around to face downwards in the driveway because its raining.
So you want your trunk to flood?
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Post by oldskool »

I walked past it twice in the driveway but actually did something constructive as in pencil to paper to formulate a plan of action!
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Post by slammin_e28 »

Polished up the valve cover. Was going to paint it and do a valve adjustment, but lost interest when my friend came over and tried to catch the feral kitten.....FAIL!
1st 5er
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Post by 1st 5er »

davintosh wrote:I think I finally figured out my screwy idle problem on the 528... Last night I replaced the cracked intake boot and the hoses from the intake to the idle control valve and to the valve cover, but it was still revving up & down between 1500 and 800. Gave the ICV one more good cleaning, shot some WD-40 in it and left it sit overnight, and it was much better this morning. Still not perfect though, so I may need to replace the ICV, but I'm closing in on it!
You might give this a try.
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Post by landspeed »

Replaced the fuse for the turn signals and wipers cause the fuse cracked. I cleaned the contacts and now my wipers go faster than they ever have since I've owned it. I'm going to replace all the fuses and clean contacts this weekend. :banana:
Tammer in Philly
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Post by Tammer in Philly »

This wasn't today, but here's what I did to my E28 a couple weeks ago:

-tammer (E28 free at the moment)
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Post by Lepsis3942 »

My car kept having a weak battery after leaving it in the school parking lot between weekends and it wouldn't have enough juice to turn over.

After a couple weeks of ruling factors out I discovered that it had to be the fact that I was parking downwards on a hill and the (waaay overly sensitive) brake light sensor would be engaged by gravity over the week and would drain the battery. Jamming a 2 liter soda bottle between the floor and the pedal confirmed my hypothesis after it started right up the next week.

So, I went out and removed the dash and placed a bunch of folded over electrical tape in the shape of a square on the pedal where it meets the sensor.

I had originally planned on adjusting the sensor's position like it says in Bentley, but that diagram is of the clutch sensor even though I triple checked that I was in the brake section.

It seems to put a little bit of stress on the clutch and brake sensor but it will have to do until I get back home and can search some pick n' pulls for a good sensor

:banana: :banana:

Doing this stuff makes me feel good. Fuck reliable Camrys :D
1st 5er
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Post by 1st 5er »

Drove the 110 miles roundtrip to have a :beer: and dinner with Duke, IceHaus Dave, and Rich Euro M5 .

What a great couple of guys...
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Post by mithrites »

Installed some new front speakers :alright:

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