I hadn't noticed this thread before; guess I need to spend a little more time in Eye Candy! Fun to connect names & faces!
Here's the 528e, photo taken shortly after it was purchased a year ago in January...
... and last summer following the
el-cheapo new paint job.
The 528e is currently parked in a friend's garage awaiting some free time so I can swap the clutch & associated parts, the T-belt & water pump, and adjust the valves. Soon...
Here's the 735i e32, my daily driver/project car.
And here's me with The More Important Things In Life™. Browsing through my iPhoto album, I'm shocked and embarrassed that there are so few photos of me in there. We just had some family photos done, so this will have to do.
(that's me in the middle, the 16 yr old behind me, my Army Nat'l Guard son to my right, the youngest in front, my lovely daughter in the back on my left, and my bride in front of her.)
My daughter left here two weeks ago, and should have landed today in West Africa; not sure when we'll hear from her next to confirm how things are with her. We won't see her until next March. My wife is missing the girl time; the four boys are a bit much for her sometimes!