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Thread preview when hovering over link

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Thread preview when hovering over link

Post by tsmall07 »

Some forums I frequent have a pop-up preview that lets you know the first sentence or so of a thread without clicking. Is that possible with this forum software, or is that just a vBulletin thing? I would consider it to be a good addition if it is possible.
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Post by TurboChris »

I agree, I believe this is the only forum I frequent that doesn't have that feature....
Shawn D.
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Post by Shawn D. »

First-world problems... :roll:
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Post by mooseheadm5 »

Shawn D. wrote:First-world problems... :roll:
You plan to answer Tyler's question or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and want to vent?
Shawn D.
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Post by Shawn D. »

mooseheadm5 wrote:
Shawn D. wrote:First-world problems... :roll:
You plan to answer Tyler's question or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and want to vent?
No, I always get up on the same side, and I'm not venting. ;)
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Post by shagrath »

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Post by alijonny »

It would be nice to have that feature. It would prevent anyone from going into threads like "911 help" or "quick question" and those posts can quickly fall to the bottom of the board.
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Post by Jeremy »

There is a mod with that capability for phpBB3. I don't see anything available for phpBB2. We'll have to reconsider the concept in the future. It might break or make things more difficult on a mobile device, for instance, so we might need to get a mobile version of the site done before we could deploy the mod. I haven't looked at it too in depth, so I don't know for certain.
It would be nice to have that feature. It would prevent anyone from going into threads like "911 help" or "quick question" and those posts can quickly fall to the bottom of the board.
I fail to see how clicking and reading a thread is different from reading a preview on mouse-hover. Keeping a thread on the first page requires people to post responses, reading the thread does nothing in that regard regardless of how the thread text is accessed. Is there something about this concept that I'm missing?

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Post by tsmall07 »

The "Hover" feature works fine on my bb when viewing other forums with no mobile version. I don't think it's a very complicated code. It doesn't seem to require much if anything additional to be loaded to the device.

Jeremy wrote:
It would be nice to have that feature. It would prevent anyone from going into threads like "911 help" or "quick question" and those posts can quickly fall to the bottom of the board.
I fail to see how clicking and reading a thread is different from reading a preview on mouse-hover. Keeping a thread on the first page requires people to post responses, reading the thread does nothing in that regard regardless of how the thread text is accessed. Is there something about this concept that I'm missing?

The only reasoning I can see for that is that people may be less likely to respond at all if they don't click on the thread in the first place.
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