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Re: Dieselboost's official 524td project pics
Posted: Aug 23, 2016 4:11 AM
by Andrew 524td
Re: Dieselboost's official 524td project pics
Posted: Aug 23, 2016 11:16 PM
by DieselBoost
And here is more stuff..... just got my new seats for my car...

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Aug 24, 2016 10:49 AM
by Dub-Nub
are those e28 doorcards? they are bad ass and i want some!
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Aug 24, 2016 11:58 AM
by DieselBoost
yes they are.... and stock ones...
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Aug 24, 2016 12:15 PM
by Dub-Nub
DieselBoost wrote:yes they are.... and stock ones...
nice. looks like i need to keep an eye out for it.
Posted: Aug 25, 2016 9:44 PM
by SPF2006
Coldswede wrote:What is it with you guys over there? Folks in your neck of the woods always seem to have the coolest projects!

This. Fantastic build thread.
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 09, 2016 7:57 PM
by DieselBoost
Aaaaaand.... here we go again.... when nothing is enough...
I started my 2.7 stroker project with inline injection pump, well i got "little bit" bigger turbos this time

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 11, 2016 8:12 PM
by tryingtobebest
Hello, i love your build, i am a mechanic and have 11.5 sec R32 GTR and a daily E90 335D with a straight pipe ( ) im thinking into joining 524tD family so i have few questions for OP!):
#1 What would be absolute max boost/output of the stock fuel system? (I meant mechanical pump with upgraded lifter pump)
#2 If i throw a bigger turbo with intercooler and head gasket with studs what would be next limitation?
#3 Ever considered going something like 6.7L Holset VGT turbocharger, or something similar? Many in 4G63 community using similar on a 2.0L with manual (boost controlled) VGT fins control!?
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 12, 2016 2:31 PM
by DieselBoost
tryingtobebest wrote:
#1 What would be absolute max boost/output of the stock fuel system? (I meant mechanical pump with upgraded lifter pump)
#2 If i throw a bigger turbo with intercooler and head gasket with studs what would be next limitation?
#3 Ever considered going something like 6.7L Holset VGT turbocharger, or something similar? Many in 4G63 community using similar on a 2.0L with manual (boost controlled) VGT fins control!?
1: well there is no boost limit like in gas engines, well your engine goes lean, but it does not harm the engine like in gas engines... but there is no reason to go over 2bar with stock injection pump
2: bigger turbo, intercooler and mls gasket + studs.... well next limitation for power is that rotary injection pump, it just dont work in high rpm are like over 4500
ofcourse your clutch will make harakiri if stock
3: yes, but boost operated vnt:s are problematic... and vnt turbos are well known ext pressure makers... and i dont trust those,
My friend has vw caddy 1.9tdi with compound turbos LP turbo is garrett gt40 and HP is small vnt.... lot of problems with that vnt... even that is electrically controlled with ecu... but still it made 400hp

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 12, 2016 4:28 PM
by tryingtobebest
Thank you for a fast response man!)
So what would rough output be if lets say i put GT30R or GT35R at 2 or 2.2 bar with intercooler and MLS HG?
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 13, 2016 2:35 PM
by DieselBoost
tryingtobebest wrote:Thank you for a fast response man!)
So what would rough output be if lets say i put GT30R or GT35R at 2 or 2.2 bar with intercooler and MLS HG?
with stock injection pump, max 200hp.... with 12mm cummins rotorhead up to 340hp
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Oct 09, 2016 5:48 PM
by DieselBoost
m21d24 stock intake port

exhaust port

exthaust port + injector and precombustion chamber slot

precombustion chamber

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Oct 30, 2016 2:16 PM
by DieselBoost
Mercedes om606 N/A injection pump's timing advance controller fitted to m21d24 pump wheel

From left to right....
My old low pressure turbo (masterpower) is new high pressure one.... changed twin scroll 0.84ar housing to 0.63ar single....
And my new low pressure turbo Holset hx55 with 65mm compressor and 71mm turbine with 13cm3 housing... (this one is only model turbo for fitting, real thing comes before summer)

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Nov 19, 2016 7:50 PM
by DieselBoost
building tubes for exhaust system...

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Jan 24, 2017 6:41 PM
by DieselBoost
My new invention to get my project cars in to garage while not running...

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Feb 08, 2017 8:23 PM
by DieselBoost
Well this was a surprise... not even tight fit at all...

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Feb 12, 2017 8:37 PM
by DieselBoost
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Feb 12, 2017 8:43 PM
by Cjames570
this project is so amazing! great work!
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Feb 25, 2017 5:46 PM
by DieselBoost
Well... dids some recearch with 525tds (m51d25) pistons for my m21...
This is too easy, i modified combustion area of the piston to maching m21 precombustion chambers location...
Then i tried m57 con rod with it, there is enough space to make eccentric piston pin bearing... so i will make it 2mm lower than in stock...
With that mod piston will be in same level of surface of block, so no need for thicker head gasket etc...
I did dissection after that, i found that there is enought material for this and no major weakening will occur...
this piston was cracked junk one
I soda blasted all 7 pistons before making... soon i will make this mod for these good pistons...

Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: Sep 27, 2017 9:35 PM
by DieselBoost
Well... Thank you photobucket
I post this here, my friend just started to make scematics for my new copper flame rings, so i can make new oval grooves to my block...
Most of my time goes now with my pc25/31 Honda cbr600 project... next summer it will be turbocharged (What a surprise, a turbo in my toys)
Re: Dieselboost's 524Compound Biturbodiesel
Posted: May 16, 2019 11:16 PM
by Kopek130
I am curious if you finished the M21 with M51 pistons and M57 con rods up and running. Any updates?