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Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 05, 2019 11:29 AM
by Ordnator
Don't mess with natural selection...
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 07, 2019 9:15 AM
by stuartinmn
Suspicious activity. A nickel taped to the front window of a home was reported in the 10 block of High Point Road. The homeowner had no idea how long it had been there.
Suspicious activity. A resident in the 18000 block of Layton Avenue reported a truck drove by his residence twice and the driver rolled down his window and spat.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 08, 2019 6:18 PM
by stuartinmn
Not humorous, more a case of he got what he deserved.
A man suspected of being a rhino poacher was killed last week by an elephant and his remains devoured by a pride of lions at a South African park. Rangers at Kruger National Park and other searchers found only a human skull and a pair of pants, the park said.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 10, 2019 1:27 PM
by Mike W.
Back on the light side, a Roomba was the suspect this time.
An Oregon sheriff's department responding en masse with "guns drawn" to a call about an intruder locked in a woman's bathroom found the suspect was in fact a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.
The Washington County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Tuesday that a woman called to report a person was in her bathroom with the door locked and said she could "see shadows under the bathroom door."
Seven minutes later "multiple deputies" arrived at the home, and requested K9 backup, the statement said.
It's unclear if the Roomba has retained an attorney. ... um-n992996
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 14, 2019 8:52 AM
by stuartinmn
MAPLEWOOD MARCH 11 Theft. Police were called to Red Lobster, 2925 White Bear Av., after three diners drove off and left the fourth in their group with a $227 tab. The latter person told police she could not pay the bill, that her wallet was in the vehicle in which the others (including her sister) had left, and that she did not know they were going to leave. She was cited for theft of services. Police later in the evening came upon her sister — still wearing a Red Lobster bib — in an unrelated incident, and also cited her.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 24, 2019 10:25 PM
by Mike W.
Jennifer Gayman of Brookings, Oregon, said she was driving home from a karaoke bar in November when police officers pulled her over and ticketed her even though she informed them that the scooter was prescribed by her doctor and that it was her only way of getting around, according to police bodycam footage of the incident released to ABC News on Wednesday by her lawyer.
Johnstun said the incident unfolded on the night of Nov. 18. "It's important to note that she wasn't drinking that night," he told ABC News.
"You're going to go to jail if you continue driving," an officer told Gayman as she drove away.
Officers then chased Gayman with their lights and siren on and radioed for backup.
They pursued Gayman all the way to the garage of her home where they handcuffed her, read her Miranda Rights, searched her and placed her under arrest on suspicion of attempting to elude police, interfering with a peace officer and disorderly conduct.
Looks like we're safe, Brookings police are on the beat.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: May 12, 2019 8:28 AM
by stuartinmn
Suspicious activity.
A man was reported entering a portable toilet in Point Douglas Park, 14500 Point Douglas Dr., and not coming out. A deputy observed the porta potty with its door latched shut and asked if anyone needed assistance. Upon hearing no reply the deputy pulled the door open. Nobody was inside.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Sep 22, 2019 9:48 AM
by stuartinmn
TONKA BAY AUG. 26 Theft. A speed bump was stolen from Pleasant Avenue and Birch Bluff.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Dec 01, 2019 10:08 AM
by stuartinmn
MAPLE PLAIN OCT. 25 Suspicious activity. An officer spotted a man walking down the side of the road, against traffic, and twirling a baton in each hand, in the 1400 block of Halgren Road. The man said he was just walking around enjoying the day and listening to music.
MEDINA OCT. 28 Assist public. An officer responded to a report of a missing mouse trap that had been set in the basement of a home in the 100 block of Railway Street. The officer believed the trap may have fallen into a hole near where it was set.
PLYMOUTH OCT. 31 Theft. A resident reported that a bowl of candy had been stolen from the front steps of their home in the 14100 block of 56th Avenue.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Dec 15, 2019 10:23 AM
by stuartinmn
MAHTOMEDI NOV. 2 Suspicious activity. A resident in the 200 block of Iris Street reported a group of juveniles throwing cheese at her front window. Authorities were unable to locate the suspects.
RAMSEY NOV. 8 Suspicious activity. A resident in the 6900 block of 137th Lane NW. reported finding an item that looked like a hamburger patty on the top step of her deck, and she said her dog was licking it. She was unsure where it came from and wanted to file a report.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Dec 16, 2019 10:51 AM
by RDAvena
December 7, 2019
Colorado Springs - Downtown On 12-07-19, numerous Colorado Springs Police Officers were working the Festival of Lights Parade in the downtown area. Just prior to 6:25 PM, two adult females decided to lie in the middle of Tejon Street just south of Colorado Ave, causing the parade to come to a stop. The parade was stopped due to their actions for about 5 minutes. After given a lawful order to move by officers they refused and were subsequently arrested. They had to be carried out of the parade route by officers. They were later served and released at a local Police Station for 3.2.409, Unlawful Acts; 9.2.104, Obstructing Passage or Assembly, and 9.3.101, Resistance/Interference with Public Official.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Dec 20, 2019 1:33 PM
by davintosh
Man in a wheelchair attempts to rob a Sioux Falls casino
A man in a wheelchair attempted to rob a casino yesterday (Thursday) afternoon in Sioux Falls.
Jame Michael Eitreim, 60, from Sioux Falls, is charged with second-degree robbery.
Eitreim rolled into the Golden Coin Casino at Russell and Kiwanis.
He told the clerk he had a gun.
A patron noticed the clerk acting oddly.
The patron went over to the man in the wheelchair and asked if he could pass.
For some reason, the robber said just wheel me outside.
The clerk then locked the casino's door.
Police found the robber outside of the casino.
No one was hurt.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Dec 22, 2019 11:01 AM
by stuartinmn
LAKEVILLE WEEK OF NOV. 24-30 Domestic. Offi cers responded to a report of a possible domestic disturbance at a home near 170th Street and Euclid Avenue. According to reports, an intoxicated 38-year-old man was coaching his intoxicated 37-year-old girlfriend on how to speak to him during romantic moments, but the coaching session didn’t go well and an argument erupted. Offi cers mediated the situation.
MINNETRISTA NOV. 19 Animal complaint. A resident on Bayside Lane was asked to move a deer carcass from the front yard after authorities received a complaint.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Jan 01, 2020 3:47 PM
by Mike W.
I fear the neighbor will make the police blotter. She does like to imbibe a bit. So a couple of years ago she bought a 3rd car to go with about a 65 Pontiac and her 128i. To take the dogs to the river. Except it's turned into her designated car. You know, like sometimes there will be a designated driver? I guess it's a disposable car.

Early 90s Izuzu Rodeo that would look right at home at Pick and Pull.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Jan 02, 2020 11:02 PM
by davintosh
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — A man’s attempted carjacking was foiled Thursday morning by a remote start.
A woman was walking to her running car in the parking lot of the Hy-Vee on East 10th Street when a man pushed her inside and over to the passenger seat.
He allegedly threatened her with a knife. But when he tried driving away in the already running car, it stopped because keys were not in the ignition. He then left. No one was hurt.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 02, 2020 9:08 AM
by stuartinmn
NEWPORT DEC. 22 Suspicious activity. A man sitting in a wooded area in the 200 block of 7th Avenue explained to a deputy that he was trying to bury his pet guinea pig and lizard that had died. He was told he was on private property and that his guitar playing was upsetting the neighbors, and the man agreed to leave.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 05, 2020 1:55 PM
by RDAvena
February 5, 2020 - Stetson Hills patrol were called regarding a DUI driver in the area of N. Academy and Palmer Park. Information was given that the suspect was driving into on-coming lanes of traffic and running red lights.
Officers located the vehicle in the area of Okeechobee and Palmer Park, and attempted to stop the driver, who made a rude hand gesture at them and continued driving. Officers observed the suspect driving into on-coming lanes of traffic. Officers pursued the suspect and were given authorization to conduct a TVI. Officers TVI'd the suspect's vehicle in the 6000 block of Palmer Park Bl. and took the suspect into custody without further incident.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 05, 2020 6:37 PM
by stuartinmn
^ Speaking of crazy drivers...the radio station I listen to on the way home from work broadcasts regular traffic reports, while they monitor the live traffic cameras in the Twin Cities metro area. Today, while the guy was giving his update he described an event that was happening as he watched: someone crashed into the center barrier on a busy freeway, hard enough to deploy the airbags. They spun around and stopped were facing traffic, but then did a U turn (into that heavy traffic) and continued on down the road, crashed car and airbags and all.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 09, 2020 8:40 AM
by stuartinmn
BAYTOWN TOWNSHIP DEC. 29 Suspicious activity. A deputy stopped a vehicle at the Washington County Fairgrounds at 8:30 p.m. after watching it pull into the fairgrounds and drive around. The driver explained that he got lost while following his GPS commands, and showed the deputy that he had been directed to the fairgrounds even though he was trying to reach a Taco Bell. The deputy showed him how to leave the fairgrounds.
Re: Drugs are baad, 'mmkay?
Posted: Feb 10, 2020 12:20 PM
by RDAvena
February 5, 2020
Colorado Springs Officers received a check the welfare in Monument Valley Park of an adult male reported to be in a tree shouting for someone to call 911. Officers made contact and observed him to be in a tree approximately 30 feet up where he balanced on a branch over frozen water. Officers attempted to convince the male to come down but were unsuccessful. Several hours passed during which time officers learned the male was under the influence of methamphetamine and was likely suffering from frost bite and hypothermia. A bucket truck was utilized to safely recover him from the tree so that he could be transported to an area hospital. Criminal charges are pending. Summary - Arrest Warrant to follow
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 14, 2020 12:55 AM
by rochareels
I was going to give it my best college try to summarize this story about a ruined BMW Z4, but all I came up with is a big, WTF??? ... 48083.html
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Feb 14, 2020 11:58 AM
by vinceg101
^^^This woman has that beat:
Another way to ruin a new BMW, it just defies explanation: ... eFXOsMe9N0
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 26, 2020 9:54 AM
by stuartinmn
Suspicious person. Police woke a man slumped over the steering wheel of a vehicle idling at Speedway, 1750 White Bear Av. Several large knives were in plain view in the car, and a search allegedly turned up a disassembled shotgun and shells, a bullet-resistant vest, methamphetamine and a clown mask. The man was arrested on weapon, drug and warrant charges.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Apr 26, 2020 4:35 PM
by Adam W in MN
Our boring MN suburb has been defiled by street racers last weekend and the week before. I'm being sarcastic about defilement but you would think a holy war started from the soccer mom outcry on facebook. Of course there is a facebook page for our community and one for the police dept! A facebook page where you are more likely to see a lost cat post than an alert of a hundred or more street racers taking over a local road.
The police chief is actually pretty cool and frequently posts with updates on petty theft and an 80's movie quote to lighten the mood. But the street racing thread became an all out shitstorm with over 400 comments including taunts from some of the alleged street racers. ... 4979716694
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Sep 13, 2020 10:40 AM
by stuartinmn
Threat. Officers responded to a report of a customer threatening an employee at Domino’s Pizza, 17823 Kenwood Trail. The 43-year-old man said he would stab the employee in the neck “with this dry pizza.” He was told to stop harassing employees.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Sep 27, 2020 11:18 AM
by stuartinmn
Not a crime report, but a weird story nonetheless.
Man dies after eating black licorice daily
A construction worker’s love of black licorice wound up costing him his life. Eating a bag and a half every day for a few weeks threw his nutrients out of whack and caused the 54-year-old man’s heart to stop, doctors reported last week. “Even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little bit,” said Dr. Neel Butala, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who described the case in the New England Journal of Medicine. The problem is glycyrrhizic acid, found in black licorice and in many other foods and dietary supplements containing licorice root extract. It can cause dangerously low potassium and imbalances in electrolytes.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Sep 28, 2020 2:53 PM
by davintosh
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Sep 28, 2020 3:46 PM
by stuartinmn
"Roesler is a former morning anchor for KSFY-TV and is now the morning anchor for WIS-TV in Columbia, South Carolina."
I suspect she will be soon known as the former morning anchor for WIS-TV.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Oct 09, 2020 2:22 AM
by Mike W.
stuartinmn wrote: Sep 28, 2020 3:46 PM
"Roesler is a former morning anchor for KSFY-TV and is now the morning anchor for WIS-TV in Columbia, South Carolina."
I suspect she will be soon known as the former morning anchor for WIS-TV.
Ouch. I've seen people hit over the head with a beer bottle and it ain't pretty.
Re: Police blotter
Posted: Nov 01, 2020 3:33 PM
by stuartinmn
A couple stupid criminal stories:
LAKEVILLE WEEK OF OCT. 4-10 Driving violations. An officer stopped a vehicle for speeding at Cedar Avenue and Glacier Way. The female driver couldn’t find her identification but told the officer she was 35 and gave a name that turned out to be attached to an arrest warrant. After hearing this, she told the officer she was the 35-year-old woman’s 37-year-old sister — who also had a warrant out for her arrest. The officer arrested the woman on the warrant, along with charges of driving after license revocation and giving false information to police.
RICHFIELD SEPT. 25 Theft. Fragrances valued at $1,627 were stolen from Ulta Beauty, 1050 W. 78th St. The suspect left behind his shoes, hat and cellphone.