E28 cars in different colors. Post a perfect pic showing the
Posted: Apr 21, 2005 11:33 PM
So the brown E28 thread brought the idea of having a post with a picture of each color the E28 was available in. Now everyone wants their car to be the one posted but let's be realistic. If a picture of your car was taken with the sun on the other side of the car and the color does not POP then try a different pic. If you have a great pic showing the color of your car post it with the color name from the sticker with the color code and the English name, if known. Maybe we can get the beige colors that Eric wants to see next to each other together. My car is white so I am not even gonna post one as I know there are a bunch of white E28s in the sig pics. A good side shot would be ideal. Who is game to get this started?
From posts below, let's fine tune what the stinkin rules are: WE don't need no stinkin rules but
Now if you have something fancy you wanna show us, please post a new thread in any forum your topic fits!!!
Oh and please DO NOT POST large pics that exceed the standard width of this forum requiring scrolling to see the whole vehicle. This screws up the ability to look down this thread and see everything in a quick scroll. Thanks.
So we have about half the colors so let's open this up to other period BMWs to show the color.
So far we have the following colors represented:
Alpinweiss 146 1981 - 1988
Lapisblau 173 1981 - 1987
Savannabeige 187 1981 - 1984
Schwarz 086 1981 - 1988
Zinnoberrot 138 1984 - 1988
Arktisblau Metallic 045 1981 -1986
Bronzitbeige Metallic 139 1982 - 1988
Burgundrot Metallic 199 1982 - 1986
Cosmosblau Metallic 185 1984 - 1987
Delphin Metallic 184 1982 - 1988
Diamantschwarz Metallic 181 1984 - 1988
Lachssilber Metallic 203 1986 - 1988
Royalblau Metallic 198 1987 - 1988
Smaragdgrn Metallic 182 1986 - 1 987
Zobelbraun Metallic 196 1984 - 1986
Cirrusblau Metallic 189 1987 - 1988
Polaris Metallic 060 1981 - 1986
Graphit Metallic 087 1981 - 1984
Saphirblau Metallic 149 1981 - 1984
These colors from the list at bmwinfo are not represented, yet. Anybody got a picture of an E28 in one of these colors to post?
Zypressengrn Metallic 152 1981
Atlantisblau 207 1987 - 1988
Mineralblau 231 1987 - 1988
Pusstagrn 194 1981 - 1984
Safaribeige 147 1981 - 1984
Saturnblau 176 1984 - 1987
Basaltblau 180 1981 - 1984
Gazellenbeige 128 1984 - 1987
Hennarot 052 1981 - 1984
Karminrot 172 1984 - 1987
Weinrot 224 1987 - 1988
Achatgrn Metallic 177 1982 - 1986
Ascotgrau Metallic 151 1981
Bahamabeige Metallic 170 1982 - 1986
Balticblau Metallic 178 1981 - 1984
Brasilbraun Metallic 154 1981
Burgundrot II Metallic 214 1986
Kaschmir Metallic 143 1981
Kastanienrot Metallic 157 1981
Luxorbeige Metallic 219 1986 - 1988
Malachitgrn Metallic 205 1987 - 1988
Nerzbraun Metallic 212 1986 - 1987
Opalgrn Metallic 171 1981 - 1984
Platanengrn Metallic 188 1984 - 1986
Here's how:smaragdgrun, emerald green #182
No. 187 available 1981 - 1984 Savannah Beige (non-metallic)
From posts below, let's fine tune what the stinkin rules are: WE don't need no stinkin rules but
Kinda like what Shawn says lets get a full set of the colors. Then each owner can REMOVE his post if a better example of the COLOR is posted. This is simple with the edit feature, just select delete post, submit and bam it is gone. So only the best example of the COLOR of the car need apply. That will make this post beneficial to those wondering what a color looks like. So if you are more proud of the COLOR of your car and how it shows in a picture than ANY other feature, add-on, dyno sheet or whatever and you have a perfect picture of it, post it. Not looking for some fancy anything this is for COLOR only.Shawn D. wrote:I believe the intent was to showcase a single example of each color, not for everyone to post a pic of their car.
Now if you have something fancy you wanna show us, please post a new thread in any forum your topic fits!!!
Oh and please DO NOT POST large pics that exceed the standard width of this forum requiring scrolling to see the whole vehicle. This screws up the ability to look down this thread and see everything in a quick scroll. Thanks.
So we have about half the colors so let's open this up to other period BMWs to show the color.
So far we have the following colors represented:
Alpinweiss 146 1981 - 1988
Lapisblau 173 1981 - 1987
Savannabeige 187 1981 - 1984
Schwarz 086 1981 - 1988
Zinnoberrot 138 1984 - 1988
Arktisblau Metallic 045 1981 -1986
Bronzitbeige Metallic 139 1982 - 1988
Burgundrot Metallic 199 1982 - 1986
Cosmosblau Metallic 185 1984 - 1987
Delphin Metallic 184 1982 - 1988
Diamantschwarz Metallic 181 1984 - 1988
Lachssilber Metallic 203 1986 - 1988
Royalblau Metallic 198 1987 - 1988
Smaragdgrn Metallic 182 1986 - 1 987
Zobelbraun Metallic 196 1984 - 1986
Cirrusblau Metallic 189 1987 - 1988
Polaris Metallic 060 1981 - 1986
Graphit Metallic 087 1981 - 1984
Saphirblau Metallic 149 1981 - 1984
These colors from the list at bmwinfo are not represented, yet. Anybody got a picture of an E28 in one of these colors to post?
Zypressengrn Metallic 152 1981
Atlantisblau 207 1987 - 1988
Mineralblau 231 1987 - 1988
Pusstagrn 194 1981 - 1984
Safaribeige 147 1981 - 1984
Saturnblau 176 1984 - 1987
Basaltblau 180 1981 - 1984
Gazellenbeige 128 1984 - 1987
Hennarot 052 1981 - 1984
Karminrot 172 1984 - 1987
Weinrot 224 1987 - 1988
Achatgrn Metallic 177 1982 - 1986
Ascotgrau Metallic 151 1981
Bahamabeige Metallic 170 1982 - 1986
Balticblau Metallic 178 1981 - 1984
Brasilbraun Metallic 154 1981
Burgundrot II Metallic 214 1986
Kaschmir Metallic 143 1981
Kastanienrot Metallic 157 1981
Luxorbeige Metallic 219 1986 - 1988
Malachitgrn Metallic 205 1987 - 1988
Nerzbraun Metallic 212 1986 - 1987
Opalgrn Metallic 171 1981 - 1984
Platanengrn Metallic 188 1984 - 1986
Here's how:smaragdgrun, emerald green #182
No. 187 available 1981 - 1984 Savannah Beige (non-metallic)